1Cancer ribbons 🎗️ helps in creating awareness for suffering from cancer. The breast cancer awareness ribbon has different colors. According to wikipedia, breast cancer brand aims to raise awareness to reduce stgma of the disease
We have 4 types of breast cancer awareness ribbon colors
- Pink breast cancer ribbon
- Metastatic breast cancer colors- Pink teal, and green
- Inflammatory breast cancer color – hot pink
- Male breast cancer color – Pink and blue
There is also the Pink ribbon bow emoji which is sometime used as an alternative.
Do we have a breast cancer emoji?
We do no have a definite breast cancer emoji but sometimes, the yellow ribbon 🎗️ is used as a reminder emoji for breast cancer on social media forums like Facebook or Instagram.
Is there a cancer emoji ribbon?
The yellow ribbon is also used to symbolize the cancer emoji ribbon and it might be shared on platform as like WhatsApp and Facebook to create awareness.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breast_cancer_awareness#Breast_cancer_as_a_brand ↩︎